Room with a view

The Allen STEAM Center is a satellite campus for the district’s high school focused on courses that align with science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Incorporating technology, rich outdoor settings, learning trails within various ecological zones, and multiple collaborative areas, This campus is truly unlike any other. XD provided videography of multiple events, renderings, VR, and animation at various stages of the project, and custom signage along the pathways that explain elements of the sustainable site.

Design Charrette

Schematic Design

Bringing Concepts to Life

The community spoke, and VLK XD listened, helping bring the concept to life via interior and exterior imagery showcasing the unique spaces and bold materiality.

Allen STEAM Render Animation

Constructive Vision

The XD team created photorealistic panoramas of multiple key spaces within the facility while under construction – allowing the client to stand in an unbuilt space and catch a glimpse of the near future.

Outdoor Learning

Situated throughout the along the walking path in the extensive facility site, customized learning stations convey information about various sustainability and landscape concepts, engaging students and visitors alike.

Opening Day