VLK Architects and Katy ISD Break Ground on new Robert and Felice Bryant Elementary School
Katy, Texas - On June 7th, VLK Architects attended the groundbreaking ceremony for Katy ISD's newestschool, Robert and Felice Bryant Elementary. Administrators, school board members, and future studentsparticipated in the momentous event to celebrate the beginning of construction of the schoollocatedadjacent to the Young Ranch and Willow Creek Subdivisions that will accommodate 1,030 students.
In 2014, the Katy community voted to approve a bond referendum that included the construction of sixnew school campuses. The district set out to create a new two-story prototype for future elementaryschools while challenging VLK Architects to design a building featuring adaptable spaces for a variety ofinstructional styles to support next generation learning. Bryant Elementary is the third and finalelementary school within the 2014 Bond to commence construction.
'Our children have had fantastic educations through Katy ISD. I love this community and this never getsold,' said Rebecca Fox, Katy ISD School Board President. 'We want to make sure that our boys and girlsget the best education they can because they deserve it.'
Robert and Felice Bryant were both in attendance at the groundbreaking and were chosen by the board oftrustees as the namesake of this new school because of their long time commitment to Katy ISD. Mr.Bryant started his career with Katy ISD in 1983 as Katy High School's director of bands and fineartsdepartment chair. He was promoted to executive director of fine arts for Katy ISD in 2000 and wonnumerous awards throughout his tenure with the district.
Mrs. Bryant taught kindergarten and first grade for 24 years and was named the Katy Elementary teacherof the Year in 1997. Even though she is now retired, she continues to impact students through tutoringand mentorship opportunities.
'When you talk about pillars of a community, they epitomize that very well. When you talk about theboard's vision of 'Be the Legacy,' this is that legacy in action,' said Alton Frailey, Katy ISDSuperintendent. 'They know it is not about them. They have taught our children very well and given theirall to this community.'
Frailey also showed his support for the design of the new Bryant Elementary saying, 'I want to thankVLK Architects. You have imagined a whole new concept for learning environments and I want to thankyou for that.'
The design allows for ease of student circulation and facilitates supervision and administration whileproviding a safe and secure environment for learning. The new school will have classroom wings thatenjoy natural light through large windows, organized around the media center to promote collaborationand will be situated to take advantage of the views and green space between each wing. BryantElementary is expected to open in the fall of 2017.